That's a Sign - About



We see the signs and they summon us. Sometimes they whisper and we move past. Sometimes they shout, and we take notice. All around us, they make us stop, go, wish and be warned.

Signs can go beyond the literal. They invoke signals that play in our minds, inviting us to act, imagine and question. Whether direct or elusive, they can guide or surprise us.

Was that sign meant for me?

Over the years I’ve been moved by signs in the form of words, images, graffiti, cardboard scrawls, advertising and alerts. Pumping adrenaline, I’ve dodged speeding traffic to swerve onto soft shoulders to take photos of signs.

As a sign enthusiast, this rough and tumble photography collection is ironic, heartfelt, meaningful, human and social. These are signs of life that I hope will make you smile.

Please share and submit your pictures of signs that stop you in your tracks.

PS: For any of the artists who have murals in background, please send me your information so I can credit you with the image or remove the image completely. We want this collection to be respectful of your creativity that enhances all our lives.